All articles

    Dietary sugar comes from lots of different sources - 15 October 2018

    Who won the Malaysia Games? Selangor, but Terengganu is the real star of the show! - 01 October 2018

    Deliberate practice vs. late specialization - 24 September 2018

    Is talent identification even possible? - 17 September 2018

    Who won the Asian Games? USSA Malaysia fires up its research department for another riveting analysis - 10 September 2018

    Re-thinking the mission of Malaysia's sport associations - 03 September 2018

    Does Malaysia need the Podium Program? Yes, but it also needs something more - 20 August 2018

    The youth sport talent illusion: How we confuse early-maturers with good athletes - 13 August 2018

    Naturalized footballers: Is it really the Malaysian national team if the players aren't Malaysian? - 06 August 2018

    The tip of the iceberg: What are we seeing when we watch elite sport performances? - 30 July 2018

    What are bicycle gears for? Hint: It's not what you think! - 23 July 2018

    Tour de France: Looking forward to Stage 17 - 09 July 2018

    3 tips that will keep your fitness program on track - 03 July 2018

    7 things youth sport coaches should know - 25 June 2018

    Who is responsible for athlete performance: Athletes, coaches, or committees? - 18 June 2018

    Creating a culture of achievement in sport - 05 June 2018

    Sport development in the headlines (sort of): Is Malaysia really serious about revamping their sports system? - 28 May 2018

    Why can't the SEA Games have a core list of sports? - 21 May 2018

    Some ideas for Malaysia's new sports minister - 14 May 2018

    The daily mile: Can this simple yet brilliant idea help improve fitness at your school? - 07 May 2018

    The Podium Program: One of the bright spots in Malaysian sport - 01 May 2018

    Who won the Commonwealth Games? A points analysis of the Gold Coast games - 23 April 2018

    Is it possible to win the Commonwealth Games? Why '10th place or better' is not a good goal for the Malaysian team - 09 April 2018

    Kaizen: Improving sport administration will improve performance - 02 April 2018

    Is anybody really interested in the medals target for Malaysian athletes in the Commonwealth Games? - 19 March 2018

    Living inside the bubble: American football seems tone deaf to concussion fears - 12 March 2018

    More efficiency tips for coaches: Dealing with more than one email address and other communication ideas - 26 February 2018

    Efficiency tips for coaches: What can you do to work more efficiently? - 19 February 2018

    What kind of fun do you have in sport? - 05 February 2018

    Is public investment in E-Sports a good idea? - 29 January 2018

    LTAD: Training to compete - 22 January 2018

    Sport clubs are the lifeblood of national sport development. They need help from sport associations to do their job. - 15 January 2018

    YES! Malaysia is starting to talk about sport structure! - 08 January 2018

    Why are there no local coaches to take Zhuliang's place? - 25 December 2017

    Sometimes taking risks is the only way to improve: Take a chance! - 18 December 2017

    What is bio-banding? Can it help reduce the relative age effect in sport? - 04 December 2017

    Three problems facing Malaysian sport - 27 November 2017

    Understanding the role that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play in the athlete development process - 20 November 2017

    Great expectations: Expect more, get more! What we learn from raising the bar in sport performance - 14 November 2017

    Malaysia's sibutramine incident offers a glimpse into the complexity of the drugs in sport issue - 06 November 2017

    Want to lose weight? Try the USSA Malaysia 1-month, 'Choose Water' challenge - 30 October 2017

    Swimming disputes in Sarawak highlight governance, development, and data issues - 23 October 2017

    You're out! BAM eliminates players from Super Series and Grand Prix Gold tournaments unless they join BAM program - 10 October 2017

    Is American football about to meet its Waterloo? - 02 October 2017

    Why process is far more important than outcome in a learning environment - 25 September 2017

    Sport associations are embracing physical literacy training - 18 September 2017

    Who won the SEA Games? - 04 September 2017

    KL2017: Reporting individual sport results deserved better planning - 29 August 2017

    Is the SEA Games event program too big? - 21 August 2017

    Bicycling safety tips - 14 August 2017

    Can we please forget about ways to identify talent and just work on getting more athletes? - 07 August 2017

    The difference between sport and energy drinks - 31 July 2017

    Using the team selection process to boost motivation and increase athlete participation - 24 July 2017

    Physical education is not the same thing as physical activity - 17 July 2017

    LTAD: The Train to Train stage - 10 July 2017

    Training for performance vs. exercising for weight loss. Yes, there's a difference! - 03 July 2017

    LTAD: The Learn-to-Train stage - 26 June 2017

    When it comes to fitness, ROUTINE is the magic word - 19 June 2017

    Athletic training for youngsters - 12 June 2017

    Visualization and imagery in sports - 05 June 2017

    Young, single-sport athletes suffer more injuries and do not reach their full potential - 29 May 2017

    Transformational vs. transactional coaching - 23 May 2017

    Happy Teacher's Day! - 16 May 2017

    Footballing in Pyongyang? - 15 May 2017

    Will they come back tomorrow? The most important KPI for youth sport coaches - 08 May 2017

    Advice to parents of young athletes - 01 May 2017

    Need to lose weight? Stop drinking sugar - 26 April 2017

    Some thoughts on the National Football Development Plan - 18 April 2017

    Talk, Show, and GO! Long descriptions in PE class hinder learning - 03 April 2017

    Is VIP leadership of sport associations a good idea? - 22 March 2017

    PLKN Training of Trainers completed in Malaka - 13 March 2017

    Pre- and post-testing for 6 fitness elements in PLKN camps - 06 March 2017

    What happens after an athlete's initial introduction to sport? - 27 February 2017

    Every Student, Every Day: Let's make physical education part of every student's school day - 20 February 2017

    Malaysian schoolchildren study illustrates relative age effect - 13 February 2017

    What is the anaerobic threshold? - 06 February 2017

    "Naturalization is the key to sport success." Really? - 30 January 2017

    Knowing the difference between a sports program and a sports team is the difference between high performance and poor performance - 23 January 2017

    "Where do athletes come from?" A paper presented at the Kuching sport psychology conference - 16 January 2017

    Understanding sport talent pathways - 09 January 2017

    Make 2017 the year of the growth mindset - 02 January 2017

    Individualism vs. collectivism in sport - 26 December 2016

    Performance Data Project releases percentile tables for International Physical Performance Test - 19 December 2016

    Teaching physical literacy skills in youth sport practices - 12 December 2016

    Developing sport from the ground up: How does the process really work? - 05 December 2016

    A focus on professional events and Hollywood production values can hinder real sport development - 28 November 2016

    Pay for what you want: Why less government funding may be the best strategy for sport development - 21 November 2016

    The 10,000 hour rule: "Not for the faint of heart nor for the impatient" - 14 November 2016

    Parent involvement in their child's sport participation sometimes backfires - 07 November 2016

    Physical literacy or physical education: Which is it? - 31 October 2016

    A foreign coach is not always the answer - 17 October 2016

    What is a therapeutic use exemption and is it cheating? - 03 October 2016

    Early sport specialization is still not a good idea - 19 September 2016

    What kind of data do we need to develop sports? - 12 September 2016

    The attrition and transformation models of sport development - 05 September 2016

    Solve for <X> - 29 August 2016

    Parental support is vital to sport success - 22 August 2016

    Artificial elimination of athletes from training and competition hinders sport development in Malaysia - 15 August 2016

    A sport development system vs. just being lucky - 08 August 2016

    The IOC is wrong: Russia should have been banned from Rio - 28 July 2016

    Building pyramids: A lesson in goal setting - 20 June 2016

    What if opportunity never knocks? - 13 June 2016

    Early sport specialization is not a good development strategy - 30 May 2016

    It's time to stop talking about BMI - 24 May 2016

    Happy Teachers' Day! - 16 May 2016

    USSA Malaysia at official Khidmat Negara 2.0 launch - 27 April 2016

    Changing the SEA Games event list ignores key sport development principles - 16 April 2016

    Welcome PLKN trainers! - 25 March 2016

    Malaysian youth are not overweight, but they're not active either - 15 February 2016

    Cycling coach hits the nail on the head - 5 February 2016

    McClung launches Healthy Lifestyle book at convocation ceremony - 01 January 2016

    Almost 500 graduates attend convocation at the Institut Latihan DBKL - 09 December 2015

    REMINDER: Deadline to register for convocation is 27 November! - 25 November 2015

    Convocation registration is now open! - 20 November 2015

    Coaching 'flow' - 11 November 2015

    The coach's role in creating a deliberate practice environment - 02 November 2015

    USSA Malaysia teaching Fit4Life module in Khidmat Negara pilot - 26 October 2015

    IDPESC convocation set for Thursday, 3 December - 29 September 2015

    When should athletes specialize in a single sport? - 11 September 2015

    Physical literacy: The Holy Grail of health, wellness, and sport development - 1 September 2015

    Selamat Hari Merdeka! - 31 August 2015

    IDPESC '14 grades are available in student portals - 29 August 2015

    IDPESC students should verify their personal information in the student portal - 26 August 2015

    Convocation lists for IDPESC 2014 are being finalized - 22 August 2015

    Ten minutes to aerobic fitness - 17 August 2015

    Revisiting the 10,000 hour rule: Practical thoughts on talent and practice - 10 August 2015

    The one-minute exercise program - 01 August 2015

    The power of 'not yet' - 20 July 2015

    20 things a physical education teacher knows that you don’t (part 2) - 13 July 2015

    20 things a physical education teacher knows that you don’t - 06 July 2015

    Playing football in class is not physical education - 29 June 2015

    Why is there no grade for the CEE 526 data submission? - 28 June 2015

    Let's stop trying to identify sport talent and start developing it - 22 June 2015

    Account recovery process streamlined - 19 June 2015

    Seeing and listening use different parts of the brain - 15 June 2015

    All IDPESC assignments and performance data is due by 30 June - 12 June 2015

    Ban the sit-up - 09 June 2015

    Assignments highlighted in red need to be resubmitted - 30 May 2015

    Age and sex of performance testing subjects are determined by their IC number - 23 May 2015

    Happy Teacher's Day! - 16 May 2015

    30 May deadline for second batch of IDPESC assignments - 12 May 2015

    USSA-MY gets new look - 11 May 2015

    Most popular

    1. Three problems facing Malaysian sport - 27 November 2017

    2. Dietary sugar comes from lots of different sources - 15 October 2018

    3. Who won the Malaysia Games? Selangor, but Terengganu is the real star of the show! - 01 October 2018

    4. What is the anaerobic threshold? - 06 February 2017

    5. Deliberate practice vs. late specialization - 24 September 2018

    6. Knowing the difference between a sports program and a sports team is the difference between high performance and poor performance - 23 January 2017

    7. "Naturalization is the key to sport success." Really? - 30 January 2017

    8. Malaysian schoolchildren study illustrates relative age effect - 13 February 2017

    9. Individualism vs. collectivism in sport - 26 December 2016

    10. Malaysia's sibutramine incident offers a glimpse into the complexity of the drugs in sport issue - 06 November 2017

    11. Some ideas for Malaysia's new sports minister - 14 May 2018

    12. A foreign coach is not always the answer - 17 October 2016

    13. Re-thinking the mission of Malaysia's sport associations - 03 September 2018

    14. LTAD: The Train to Train stage - 10 July 2017

    15. USSA Malaysia at official Khidmat Negara 2.0 launch - 27 April 2016

    16. Who won the SEA Games? - 04 September 2017

    17. USSA Malaysia teaching Fit4Life module in Khidmat Negara pilot - 26 October 2015

    18. You're out! BAM eliminates players from Super Series and Grand Prix Gold tournaments unless they join BAM program - 10 October 2017

    19. Understanding the role that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play in the athlete development process - 20 November 2017

    20. Early sport specialization is not a good development strategy - 30 May 2016

    Dietary sugar comes from lots of different sources - 15 October 2018

    Who won the Malaysia Games? Selangor, but Terengganu is the real star of the show! - 01 October 2018

    Deliberate practice vs. late specialization - 24 September 2018

    Is talent identification even possible? - 17 September 2018

    Who won the Asian Games? USSA Malaysia fires up its research department for another riveting analysis - 10 September 2018

    Re-thinking the mission of Malaysia's sport associations - 03 September 2018

    Does Malaysia need the Podium Program? Yes, but it also needs something more - 20 August 2018

    The youth sport talent illusion: How we confuse early-maturers with good athletes - 13 August 2018

    Naturalized footballers: Is it really the Malaysian national team if the players aren't Malaysian? - 06 August 2018

    The tip of the iceberg: What are we seeing when we watch elite sport performances? - 30 July 2018

    What are bicycle gears for? Hint: It's not what you think! - 23 July 2018

    Tour de France: Looking forward to Stage 17 - 09 July 2018

    3 tips that will keep your fitness program on track - 03 July 2018

    7 things youth sport coaches should know - 25 June 2018

    Who is responsible for athlete performance: Athletes, coaches, or committees? - 18 June 2018

    Creating a culture of achievement in sport - 05 June 2018

    Sport development in the headlines (sort of): Is Malaysia really serious about revamping their sports system? - 28 May 2018

    Why can't the SEA Games have a core list of sports? - 21 May 2018

    Some ideas for Malaysia's new sports minister - 14 May 2018

    The daily mile: Can this simple yet brilliant idea help improve fitness at your school? - 07 May 2018

    The Podium Program: One of the bright spots in Malaysian sport - 01 May 2018

    Who won the Commonwealth Games? A points analysis of the Gold Coast games - 23 April 2018

    Is it possible to win the Commonwealth Games? Why '10th place or better' is not a good goal for the Malaysian team - 09 April 2018

    Kaizen: Improving sport administration will improve performance - 02 April 2018

    Is anybody really interested in the medals target for Malaysian athletes in the Commonwealth Games? - 19 March 2018

    Living inside the bubble: American football seems tone deaf to concussion fears - 12 March 2018

    More efficiency tips for coaches: Dealing with more than one email address and other communication ideas - 26 February 2018

    Efficiency tips for coaches: What can you do to work more efficiently? - 19 February 2018

    What kind of fun do you have in sport? - 05 February 2018

    Is public investment in E-Sports a good idea? - 29 January 2018

    LTAD: Training to compete - 22 January 2018

    Sport clubs are the lifeblood of national sport development. They need help from sport associations to do their job. - 15 January 2018

    YES! Malaysia is starting to talk about sport structure! - 08 January 2018

    Why are there no local coaches to take Zhuliang's place? - 25 December 2017

    Sometimes taking risks is the only way to improve: Take a chance! - 18 December 2017

    What is bio-banding? Can it help reduce the relative age effect in sport? - 04 December 2017

    Three problems facing Malaysian sport - 27 November 2017

    Understanding the role that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play in the athlete development process - 20 November 2017

    Great expectations: Expect more, get more! What we learn from raising the bar in sport performance - 14 November 2017

    Malaysia's sibutramine incident offers a glimpse into the complexity of the drugs in sport issue - 06 November 2017

    Want to lose weight? Try the USSA Malaysia 1-month, 'Choose Water' challenge - 30 October 2017

    Swimming disputes in Sarawak highlight governance, development, and data issues - 23 October 2017

    You're out! BAM eliminates players from Super Series and Grand Prix Gold tournaments unless they join BAM program - 10 October 2017

    Is American football about to meet its Waterloo? - 02 October 2017

    Why process is far more important than outcome in a learning environment - 25 September 2017

    Sport associations are embracing physical literacy training - 18 September 2017

    Who won the SEA Games? - 04 September 2017

    KL2017: Reporting individual sport results deserved better planning - 29 August 2017

    Is the SEA Games event program too big? - 21 August 2017

    Bicycling safety tips - 14 August 2017

    Can we please forget about ways to identify talent and just work on getting more athletes? - 07 August 2017

    The difference between sport and energy drinks - 31 July 2017

    Using the team selection process to boost motivation and increase athlete participation - 24 July 2017

    Physical education is not the same thing as physical activity - 17 July 2017

    LTAD: The Train to Train stage - 10 July 2017

    Training for performance vs. exercising for weight loss. Yes, there's a difference! - 03 July 2017

    LTAD: The Learn-to-Train stage - 26 June 2017

    When it comes to fitness, ROUTINE is the magic word - 19 June 2017

    Athletic training for youngsters - 12 June 2017

    Visualization and imagery in sports - 05 June 2017

    Young, single-sport athletes suffer more injuries and do not reach their full potential - 29 May 2017

    Transformational vs. transactional coaching - 23 May 2017

    Happy Teacher's Day! - 16 May 2017

    Footballing in Pyongyang? - 15 May 2017

    Will they come back tomorrow? The most important KPI for youth sport coaches - 08 May 2017

    Advice to parents of young athletes - 01 May 2017

    Need to lose weight? Stop drinking sugar - 26 April 2017

    Some thoughts on the National Football Development Plan - 18 April 2017

    Talk, Show, and GO! Long descriptions in PE class hinder learning - 03 April 2017

    Is VIP leadership of sport associations a good idea? - 22 March 2017

    PLKN Training of Trainers completed in Malaka - 13 March 2017

    Pre- and post-testing for 6 fitness elements in PLKN camps - 06 March 2017

    What happens after an athlete's initial introduction to sport? - 27 February 2017

    Every Student, Every Day: Let's make physical education part of every student's school day - 20 February 2017

    Malaysian schoolchildren study illustrates relative age effect - 13 February 2017

    What is the anaerobic threshold? - 06 February 2017

    "Naturalization is the key to sport success." Really? - 30 January 2017

    Knowing the difference between a sports program and a sports team is the difference between high performance and poor performance - 23 January 2017

    "Where do athletes come from?" A paper presented at the Kuching sport psychology conference - 16 January 2017

    Understanding sport talent pathways - 09 January 2017

    Make 2017 the year of the growth mindset - 02 January 2017

    Individualism vs. collectivism in sport - 26 December 2016

    Performance Data Project releases percentile tables for International Physical Performance Test - 19 December 2016

    Teaching physical literacy skills in youth sport practices - 12 December 2016

    Developing sport from the ground up: How does the process really work? - 05 December 2016

    A focus on professional events and Hollywood production values can hinder real sport development - 28 November 2016

    Pay for what you want: Why less government funding may be the best strategy for sport development - 21 November 2016

    The 10,000 hour rule: "Not for the faint of heart nor for the impatient" - 14 November 2016

    Parent involvement in their child's sport participation sometimes backfires - 07 November 2016

    Physical literacy or physical education: Which is it? - 31 October 2016

    A foreign coach is not always the answer - 17 October 2016

    What is a therapeutic use exemption and is it cheating? - 03 October 2016

    Early sport specialization is still not a good idea - 19 September 2016

    What kind of data do we need to develop sports? - 12 September 2016

    The attrition and transformation models of sport development - 05 September 2016

    Solve for <X> - 29 August 2016

    Parental support is vital to sport success - 22 August 2016

    Artificial elimination of athletes from training and competition hinders sport development in Malaysia - 15 August 2016

    A sport development system vs. just being lucky - 08 August 2016

    The IOC is wrong: Russia should have been banned from Rio - 28 July 2016

    Building pyramids: A lesson in goal setting - 20 June 2016

    What if opportunity never knocks? - 13 June 2016

    Early sport specialization is not a good development strategy - 30 May 2016

    It's time to stop talking about BMI - 24 May 2016

    Happy Teachers' Day! - 16 May 2016

    USSA Malaysia at official Khidmat Negara 2.0 launch - 27 April 2016

    Changing the SEA Games event list ignores key sport development principles - 16 April 2016

    Welcome PLKN trainers! - 25 March 2016

    Malaysian youth are not overweight, but they're not active either - 15 February 2016

    Cycling coach hits the nail on the head - 5 February 2016

    McClung launches Healthy Lifestyle book at convocation ceremony - 01 January 2016

    Almost 500 graduates attend convocation at the Institut Latihan DBKL - 09 December 2015

    REMINDER: Deadline to register for convocation is 27 November! - 25 November 2015

    Convocation registration is now open! - 20 November 2015

    Coaching 'flow' - 11 November 2015

    The coach's role in creating a deliberate practice environment - 02 November 2015

    USSA Malaysia teaching Fit4Life module in Khidmat Negara pilot - 26 October 2015

    IDPESC convocation set for Thursday, 3 December - 29 September 2015

    When should athletes specialize in a single sport? - 11 September 2015

    Physical literacy: The Holy Grail of health, wellness, and sport development - 1 September 2015

    Selamat Hari Merdeka! - 31 August 2015

    IDPESC '14 grades are available in student portals - 29 August 2015

    IDPESC students should verify their personal information in the student portal - 26 August 2015

    Convocation lists for IDPESC 2014 are being finalized - 22 August 2015

    Ten minutes to aerobic fitness - 17 August 2015

    Revisiting the 10,000 hour rule: Practical thoughts on talent and practice - 10 August 2015

    The one-minute exercise program - 01 August 2015

    The power of 'not yet' - 20 July 2015

    20 things a physical education teacher knows that you don’t (part 2) - 13 July 2015

    20 things a physical education teacher knows that you don’t - 06 July 2015

    Playing football in class is not physical education - 29 June 2015

    Why is there no grade for the CEE 526 data submission? - 28 June 2015

    Let's stop trying to identify sport talent and start developing it - 22 June 2015

    Account recovery process streamlined - 19 June 2015

    Seeing and listening use different parts of the brain - 15 June 2015

    All IDPESC assignments and performance data is due by 30 June - 12 June 2015

    Ban the sit-up - 09 June 2015

    Assignments highlighted in red need to be resubmitted - 30 May 2015

    Age and sex of performance testing subjects are determined by their IC number - 23 May 2015

    Happy Teacher's Day! - 16 May 2015

    30 May deadline for second batch of IDPESC assignments - 12 May 2015

    USSA-MY gets new look - 11 May 2015

    1. Three problems facing Malaysian sport - 27 November 2017
    2. Dietary sugar comes from lots of different sources - 15 October 2018
    3. Who won the Malaysia Games? Selangor, but Terengganu is the real star of the show! - 01 October 2018
    4. What is the anaerobic threshold? - 06 February 2017
    5. Deliberate practice vs. late specialization - 24 September 2018
    6. Knowing the difference between a sports program and a sports team is the difference between high performance and poor performance - 23 January 2017
    7. "Naturalization is the key to sport success." Really? - 30 January 2017
    8. Malaysian schoolchildren study illustrates relative age effect - 13 February 2017
    9. Individualism vs. collectivism in sport - 26 December 2016
    10. Malaysia's sibutramine incident offers a glimpse into the complexity of the drugs in sport issue - 06 November 2017
    11. Some ideas for Malaysia's new sports minister - 14 May 2018
    12. A foreign coach is not always the answer - 17 October 2016
    13. Re-thinking the mission of Malaysia's sport associations - 03 September 2018
    14. LTAD: The Train to Train stage - 10 July 2017
    15. USSA Malaysia at official Khidmat Negara 2.0 launch - 27 April 2016
    16. Who won the SEA Games? - 04 September 2017
    17. USSA Malaysia teaching Fit4Life module in Khidmat Negara pilot - 26 October 2015
    18. You're out! BAM eliminates players from Super Series and Grand Prix Gold tournaments unless they join BAM program - 10 October 2017
    19. Understanding the role that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play in the athlete development process - 20 November 2017
    20. Early sport specialization is not a good development strategy - 30 May 2016