A sport development system vs. just being lucky

    Last week the New Straits Times published two articles by Devinder Singh that described how the two new Malaysia sprinters came on the scene. Khairul Hafiz Jantan and Badrul Hisyam Abdul Manap, both from Malacca, are benefiting from an unusual set of circumstances. In Coach Poad Kassim they have found a coach that not only knows what it takes to train athletes at the high performance level but who also understands how to get younger athletes up to that level in the first place.

    Added to the sprinters having the services of a knowledgeable and dedicated coach is the fact that at the Tunku Mahkota Ismail Sports School in Kota Tinggi the runners have good facilities to work with and a school principal, Suhaimi Sun Abdullah, who is supportive of their efforts.

    The scenario under which both runners have excelled is described in The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle: Young athletes find an almost Obiwan Kenobi character who guides them into the sport, helping them become passionate about the activity and guiding them into the realm of high performance with the whole endeavor being supported by others who matter. This seems to be exactly what happened with Malaysia's two newest sprint stars. After reading Mr. Devinder's articles I wondered why this matching of coaches, athletes, and officials can't be done on a more systematic basis; why good news in Malaysian sport almost always hinges on lucky circumstance like that enjoyed by the two runners.

    Coyle's book highlights stories about athletes and other performers who have found the sweet spot of instruction, training, and support. He researched numerous training centers in various fields and looked for the unusual story, where talent and excellence were produced in unlikely places. Places where the "micro-system" supported the creation of talent within a much larger but mostly ambivalent sport structure.

    The key to the recent success of Mr. Khairul and Mr. Badrul is built on the lucky convergence of talented and passionate individuals coupled with the athletes enthusiasm and ability. But a national sport development system can't depend on this alone, some kind of systematic implementation of talent development principles is needed. The key word is systematic. Whatever is done has to be done consistently and as part of an overall plan, so the question becomes how to take the principles of talent development and institutionalize them. No sport development scheme is foolproof but we do have a pretty good idea of the kinds of things that should be part of such a plan.

    Current sport development in Malaysia seems to be guided by individuals rather than systems based on sound principles. Many sport associations are led by titled individuals who have been in office for long periods of time. This makes challenging for these positions difficult due partly to perceived social rank, thus it's very hard for new ideas to be implemented due to the 'who you know' mentality. But the real roadblock to sport development in Malaysia is that there seems to be a general consensus that governance by the sports aristocracy can't be changed.

    Can systematic development be implemented in Malaysia? Yes, and there are already a few examples of this underway but they are spearheaded by individuals. To be effective development ideas have to be organized and supported by the associations. Giving people with sound ideas and enthusiasm for change the opportunity to give it a try could set a wave of changes in motion. Doing the same things over and over and expecting that this time it will be different doesn't work.

    Bill Price (price@ussa-my.com) is the Chief Information Officer at USSA Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.

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